Sunday, June 17, 2012

MPM: S03/E15 - Ice To The Third Power!

Anaconda | Ghosts of Mars - Hello again, and welcome to another amazing episode of Motion Picture Meltdown! In this episode, Mark, Philip, and myself are joined by Travis to rip apart a couple of movies starring maybe the most important member of the NWA, Ice Cube! Gangster Rapper gone terrible actor is no stranger to MPM as we go over Anaconda and John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars.

Monday, June 4, 2012

MPM: S03/E14 -Creature, Creature, Double Feature!

Creature (1985) | Creature (2011) - Hello listeners, and welcome to Motion Picture Meltdown's Double Creature Feature! This week, Mark, Philip, and myself (along with Three-Meats' Cheats in the background) go over the 1985 Sci-fy thriller Creature as well as the new film Creature from 2011.