Tuesday, January 19, 2021

MPM: Ep. 403 - Sea of Red Herring

Stunt Rock | Murder Rock: Dancing Death - Hey listeners! Thanks for checking out the newest episode of Motion Picture Meltdown! Dehart hits us with some blind picks this week, and we roast through Stunt Rock (1978) and Lucio Fulci's Murder Rock: Dancing Death (1984). In this episode, we talk about our favorite film stunts, we talk about Tom Cruise in space, and dive into a school of red herring. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

MPM: Ep. 402 - Weregoops!

Scare Package | Scare Me - Hey everyone! As always, thanks for checking out another episode of Motion Picture Meltdown! This week, Cheats picks a couple of spooky Shudder originals for us to check out. We roast through the horror anthology Scare Package as well as a unique new take on the horror anthology genre, Scare Me. In this episode, Cheats gauges our thoughts on the number of acceptable horror comedies, Dehart expresses the open season if someone has a weapon, and we appreciate all Shudder has given us in 2020. Enjoy!