Sunday, September 22, 2019

MPM: Ep. 364 - Scud, Top-Notch, Barf & Bonereaper

1990: The Bronx Warriors | Wheels of Fire - Hey everyone! Welcome to episode 364 of Motion Picture Meltdown! Cheats chooses the movies this week and we do a couple of blind pick post-apocalyptic films from the 80's. We roast through 1990: The Bronx Warriors & Wheels of Fire. In this episode, you'll hear us come up with our very own gang names, we talk about how flamethrowers should be used all the time, and we talk about or love of smooth jazz cadences. Enjoy!

United Cypher Presents…
The Curly Mustache Podcast
 Talks Over Games
 Anime Alphabet
 Fallout Forecast
Music Video Countdown

Check out these other bangers:
The Whiskey Reel
Sean Vs. Wild
Code Yellow: A Scare Actor’s Podcast
Sorry To Waste Your Time

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You get a flamethrower! YOU get a flamethrower!

Too many murder factions.

The Ogre!


At least there are junky cars.

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